Thursday, 29 May 2014

Wednesday, 28 May 2014


2nd cycle kids are going to visit Mendikosolo park in Arrigorriaga. They are going to learn about nature. Thery are going to see animals and plants. It's going to be fantastic! If the weather is good they are going to eat in the park but if it rains they are going to go to the sport centre. They are going to come back at 4.30 By: Markel, Aida and Mireia


On 19th June, 1st cycle kids are going to visit "El Carpin". They are going to go by bus. First, they are going to watch a video about the park. Then they are going to see the animals. They aren't going to be able to see the dinosaurs because there was a big storm in February and some of them broke. They are going to eat and play in the park if it's sunny. But if the weather is bad, they are going to eat in Trucios. They are going to be back at a quarter past four. By: Uxue, Ainara and Olatz

Sunday, 25 May 2014

Come in and enjoy!!! We are learning English!!

2nd graders talking about games

Dou you want to play..............?
 At my school, you can play..............., but you can´t play ..........

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

school trip to Pozalagua

On June 19th we're going to go on a school trip to Pozalagua caves, near Karrantza. We're going to go by bus. The visit is going to last 45 minutes. Then we're going to have lunch. If it's sunny we're going to eat in El Suceso, but if it is raining we're going to eat in Trucíos. We're going to come back at 16.30 By: Uxue Aguirre (6th level)

and Thanks to Lh2B parents who came to listen to their children!

¡Muchas gracias por venir a escuchar a vuestros chicos/as!. ¡Qué bien lo hicieron!. Congratulations!!!!

Sunday, 11 May 2014


Saturday, 10 May 2014

Colar Mix. The animals were alive!!

Muchas gracias a todos los que vinisteis a escuchar la descripción de los animales que vuestros hijos/as habían trabajado en clase. Aunque todos estábamos nerviosos y no pudimos ver los animales en la pantalla grandes, al final, la actividad quedó bonita y pasamos un buen rato. Thank you very much!!!!!!!!!